Wednesday, 13 December 2017

Merry Christmas from Room 11

Room 11 made Christmas decorations made from salt dough to take home for the holiday.  They had to use their knowledge of fractions and measurement as well as follow a recipe to make these wonderful creations.  Well done!

Thursday, 23 November 2017

Literacy Time with Music

Room 11 spend time each morning working through a series of Literacy activities, while Mrs C sees the reading groups.  We have been experimenting with different music during this time to help our concentration, keeping a calm and focused atmosphere in the class.  Room 11's favourite music so far has been Disney Piano Classics!  Here we are in action...

A visit from Mrs V!!

We were lucky enough to have a visit from our very own Mrs Valencia yesterday, along with new baby Aly.  Room 11 worked really hard to create this special card and beautiful bunch of paper flowers to present to her.  It was so lovely to see her that we forgot to get a photo of Mrs V herself! 

Wednesday, 15 November 2017

Pom Pom Fun!

Room 11 have been having heaps of fun learning how to make Pom Poms!  This is great for developing our fine motor skills, tying knots, cutting thick cardboard and following a set of instructions.  We have shown great concentration so far and will put up a post to show them off when they are finished!  WATCH THIS SPACE!

Wednesday, 1 November 2017

A&P Show Art

This week Room 11 have been working hard on their artwork, that will be exhibited at the A&P Show this this weekend.  Our criteria was 'decorated wooden spoon' so we decided to create puppets inspired by our favourite heroes or characters.  Here is a sneak peek, all labelled and ready to go!  Get along to the A&P Show this Saturday Morning (4th November) at Boyd Park to see them properly exhibited for the art competition.

Thursday, 26 October 2017

Maths in Room 11

We have been learning about measuring lengths.  We made paper planes, estimated how far they would go and then measured how far they travelled.  We modified them to make them go even further.  See some writing about this from some Room 11 students on the School Website!

Friday, 13 October 2017

I am so excited to welcome you all back to Term 4 as your teacher for the final term of 2017!  We have so many exciting events and brilliant learning to look forward to.  Our Inquiry for the term is based around the theme of 'Safety' and we have a very special guest coming in Week 2 to help us with our learning.  Also, just a little reminder that in Term 4 you need to bring your sun hat so that you can make the most of the beautiful sunshine (which will surely arrive soon!).  I hope you all had a wonderful holiday and look forward to seeing you all on Monday morning.

Mrs C

Saturday, 9 September 2017

Mrs V's heroes!

Yesterday we shared our class item at our school assembly.
We performed a song called, "Worlds Greatest." 
Amber did an amazing job leading the group!

Fantastic support from Room 11 and Stanley Ave School.

Here is the video clip that played while Amber and Room 11 were singing. 
It includes the artwork that we made after studying the lyrics of the song.

Thursday, 7 September 2017

Learning snapshots

Pyramids learning about grouping numbers. 
What does times tables or multiplication mean?

Writing buddies - Listening, sharing... and giving feedback!
1 compliment, 1 suggestion

Let's get ready to... Word Rumble!

"Make it a million"
Adding or changing words to a 'dull' sentence.

Saturday, 2 September 2017

Maui and the Big Fish

This term we have been learning about Myths and Legends. 
We retold the story of "Maui and the Big Fish" and did some artwork to match! 

Take a look next time you're in Room 11! 

Our school House Chants!

Te Aroha




Friday, 18 August 2017

Cross Country!

These five 8-year olds all placed in our school cross country race! 
It will be their first time going to districts and they are very excited. Well done!! 

Legend and Jacob placed 1st and 2nd in the 7 year old boys race. 
It was super close and they both strived to succeed till the very end. 
Mrs V is so proud!

Blair came 1st place in the girls 7 year old race and Sophie came 5th! Awesome!

Fantastic effort from all the boys and girls in Room 11. You should be very proud! :)

Sunday, 13 August 2017

Fun Friday!

Friday = Milo mornings - just bring $1 and your own cup!


Yum Fairy bread!

Paper Plate Masks!

Pass the Parcel... with some maths!

Pin Te Aroha on the North Island!

Mrs V had the best birthday with Room 11. :)

Monday, 31 July 2017

 Room 11 love to read! 
Here are a few snapshots from our first week.

Note: Lucky book club orders are due in by Friday 18th August

Mrs Finucane came in one morning and did some artwork with us around Myths and Legends. 
We learnt how to compare and contrast!

Some of our 'wonderings' leading into our inquiry topic.

Monday, 24 July 2017

Ready for Term 3!

We had an awesome first day back. Room 11 had lots of holiday stories to share and we got back into some class routines like we had never left! Mrs V is very lucky to have a great bunch of hardworking and happy kids. We're excited for the term ahead! :)

Saturday, 8 July 2017

Wrapping up Term 2

Pyjama Party Disco!

Getting active with Mr Muir!

Writing buddies

Making Parachutes!

Happy birthday Joe!

Sunday, 2 July 2017

Strike Percussion!

On Friday we were lucky to have Strike Percussion come and perform at Stanley Ave! Thank you to the PTA for sponsoring the funds. 
It was a fabulous and entertaining afternoon!

Friday, 30 June 2017

Tuakana-Teina with Room 2

This week we spent an afternoon with some Room 2 students and made 
Matariki Stars out of coloured paper and wrapping paper!