Saturday, 29 August 2015

Chrome Books

Room 11 started using chrome books! Mrs Hamilton helped us to log in with our own username and password. The children then used Google Docs to publish some writing. Technology is becoming an important part of teaching and learning and we hope to use chrome books in our class more.

A couple of weeks ago we did an experiment called 'Balloon Rockets.' 
Check out our video below!

Friday, 21 August 2015

Our learning environment

Can you spot a new face in our class? Welcome to Room 11 Trevor! And welcome (back) to Stanley Ave school!

It was that time again to revisit what it means to be a Team Player and how we can respect and support each other in our class. Phoenix suggested that we write a letter to someone who we may have hurt recently and apologise so that everybody can get along again. We also wrote bucket filling letters to people in the class. It was a great way to end the week in high spirits, let's keep it up for the rest of the term!

Today we also discussed different learning spaces we'd like to have in our classroom. Here are some of the ideas the children came up with.

We did some shifting around and will trial our new environment next week! 
Photos to come, watch this space.

Science Experiment

We are learning to 'Predict, Observe and Explain' through Science.

In groups, we had a sealed bag full of water (some with food colouring) and predicted what would happen if we poked a skewer and pencil through it...

Then we tried it!

EXPLAIN: The plastic bag is made out of a material called Polymer. Polymers are long chains of individuals molecules called monomers. 
(Mono = one. Poly = many. Mers = molecules.)
When you puncture these bags with a sharpened pencil, you're essentially separating the polymer chains without breaking them. The long chains of molecules than squeeze in tight around the surface of the pencil preventing any sort of leak.

Wednesday, 5 August 2015

Throwing Balloons

Our inquiry topic this term is Flight! Yesterday we looked at a balloon that had a small balloon inside of it filled with water. We predicted what might happen when we threw this balloon. Would it be like a normal balloon with just air in it?

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We noticed that because the water inside is heavy, it was pushing the balloon in different directions. A balloon with just air in it would fall much more slowly because air is light.

"The balloon was twirling because the small balloon inside was going around in the big balloon"

"The balloon had a mind of its own, it wanted to go places"

"It wiggled on the ground"

"The balloon was falling like a magnet"