Tuesday, 31 March 2015


Learning more about New Zealand culture with a great song!

"Where we come from we were made to be strong, our legacy will carry on 
And if a piece of home resonates in your soul, your journey will take you where you belong" 

Friday, 27 March 2015

We are now a Dojo!

Our students have transformed into Avatars and Room 11 has become a 'Class Dojo.' You may have received a notice home about a new system that we have been trialling over the last week and it has been awesome to see the enthusiasm from the children. If you have not received this notice, you will get it next week.

Below are the positive behaviours the children get rewarded for during the day and also the areas that may need work - however Mrs Valencia does like to focus more on the positive!

(please note, below is just an example classroom)

We are hoping to continue this system next term and also bring in Dojo Dollars to actively use in the class. Watch this space! :)

Sunday, 22 March 2015

Week 7 and some Maths

Starting our day with a Bucket filling circle. Telling our classmates something we like about them and moving around the circle so we get a chance to talk different people :)

Jaedyn is explaining how to play one of the Maths games. He read the instructions and taught himself how the game works. Awesome!

Hrithik challenged himself to see how fast he could complete all the Maths cards, he got them done in less than 1 minute and 30 seconds!

Alex came up with some awesome Maths ideas that links in with our new Class Dojo system!

Sunday, 15 March 2015

We are bucket fillers!

We are working hard to remember how we can be kind to each other and make people feel good about themselves instead of saying things that can be hurtful. At the beginning of the term we read a book called "Have you filled a bucket today?" We read it again last week and did an activity to remind us how we can be bucket fillers not dippers! 

Saturday, 7 March 2015

Culture and Identity

Our inquiry topic this term is Culture and Identity! This week we have done Bio Poems and art work to showcase who we are as individuals and what makes us unique. Check out our identity hands! :)
(Click on the photo to get a closer look)