Thursday, 10 April 2014


For fitness this term we have been practicing our movement skills.
We have improved on our basic running, grapevine (step, behind, step, in front), hopping (on both legs not just our good one), and sidestepping (making our feet clap).

Tuesday, 8 April 2014

Multiple intelligences... Which smart are you???

We have been talking about all the different kinds of smart people can be.

In room 11 there are lots of different strengths.
Check out our graph display

Wednesday, 2 April 2014

Writing sentences

Mrs Hamilton and Miss Oud introduced us to Simon's Cat videos to help us practice our writing of sentences.
We watched a video and then wrote a sentence about something that happened. The tricky part was that it had to be an independent sentence that would make sense to someone that hadn't seen the video.

Here are some of the sentences we wrote to go with this Simon's Cat video.

The white cat was chasing a fly around the empty room. - Joseph

Simon's naughty cat was chasing a blowfly and wrecked everything around him. - Samantha

Simon's black cat put a fly in Simon's mouth. - Kahurangi

The cat saw a fly. - Toby

The fly was annoying the cat. - Blake

The black cat was on Simon. - Rico

The fly was annoying the cat on the mat. - Stuti

Simon's fluffy cat tried to kill a fly. - Zion

The cat tried to catch the fly. - Jayden

The blonde cat caught a fly and put it in Simon's mouth. - Anna W.

The fat cat put a house fly into Simon's mouth. - Riley

Simon's fat cat was trying to catch a fly. - Richie

The cat saw a little baby fly and jumped everywhere. - Brandy

The cat was trying to catch a fly. - Noah

The cat put the fly in Simon's mouth. - Grady

Simon's cat placed a fly in his body. - William

The white cat caught a fly and put it in Simon's mouth. - Anna K.

The white fluffy cat was chasing a fly and wrecked the place. - Olivia

Simon's cat was chasing a fly and he made a mess. - Sofia

Simon's little cat trashed the house trying to get the fly. - Daniel

The black cat bounced around the house because he was trying to get the house fly. - Phoenix