Friday, 14 November 2014

Proud Penguin Project

While a large group of children were at District Athletics the rest of us created a penguin project.
We read a story about emperor penguins, pulled out the factual information and used what we learned to write an informative piece about them. Then we used our art and craft skills to create a paper penguin visual piece to go with it.
We worked hard on it all day and this is the result....

District Athletics

Yesterday we had this fantastic group of students from Room 11 representing our school at the district athletics!
Well done guys; Anna K, Anna W, Richie, Grady, Daniel, Jayden, Sofia, Marina, Joseph, and also Kahuranginwho was absent from the photo.

Tuesday, 4 November 2014

Jump Jammers

Miss Oud has been working with a group of girls to create their own Jump Jam video.
They have dedicated their lunchtimes practicing and the result is amazing!
We used the green screen in the "maker space" to make the video and now the whole junior and middle syndicate will be copying their moves in our next jump jam session on a Tuesday morning!
Thanks for the hard work girls.

And a big thank you to Miss Oud for supporting!

Friday, 24 October 2014


Room 11's assembly item has been changed to Friday Week 4 - sorry for any inconvenience.
Hopefully we can see you then instead :)

Friday, 17 October 2014

Term 4 Week 1 - Team Player

This week we started to think about what it would 'look like', 'sound like' and ' feel like' to be a good Team Player...
Here are our ideas

Wednesday, 10 September 2014

Roy Lichtenstein - 60's art

For inquiry we have been looking at lots of things from the 1960's.
To link with our visual art we are recreating our own portraits in the style of Roy Lichtenstein.
Some of Roy Lichtenstein's work is famous for having cartoon style images, dots on the skin of the people in his pictures, bright colours using primary colours and also speech or thought bubbles.
Here is some of his art;

We started practicing our dotty skin and realised it takes a very long time to do it well!

Friday, 29 August 2014

Week 6 super stars

On a wet gloomy Friday morning these superstars brighten my day!!

This week Anna, Sofia, Anna, Rico, Brandy, Joseph, Daniel and Toby worked extra hard and got all of their work done in super time! 
They also demonstrate the schools values throughout the week trying hard to be outstanding Stanley avenue learners! 

Monday, 25 August 2014

Monday morning sharing

Wow! Lots of us had some exciting sharing this morning!! 
Exciting birthday presents... Photos of treks up the mountain... And even a visit to cirque du solei!
Room 11 had a busy weekend!!

Monday, 18 August 2014

Finding out about the 1960s in NZ.

In week 2 we wrote letters to our older friends or family members asking about what television was like for them in the 1960s.
We hope your letters arrived safely.
Some children have already received some replies which is fantastic. We are hoping to pin our replies around our learning wall to see how many questions we can answer.
Please reply to us so we can find out more as we love to hear about how different it was!

Thursday, 14 August 2014

Spelling Lists

Spelling is a big focus in our classroom... Each of the children are on one of the Spelling lists A to O ... You should recognise some of these words from their homework books but now you can find them all here to see where your child may be moving to next. 

Tuesday, 12 August 2014


For Maths at the moment we are learning about Fractions.
We have been learning to find fractions of amounts by using equal sharing. We know that the bottom number (denominator) of a fraction tells you how many parts or piles to share the objects into. Take a look at us practicing after only 1 week of learning.

Thursday, 3 July 2014

Jump Jam

The Jump Jam team just presented their Jump Jam routine to the junior syndicate. We all got the chance to give it a go.... So much fun!
Click the photo to make it bigger ... Who can you spy?

Monday, 23 June 2014


For anyone who didn't make it to our assembly presentation, here it is...
Our interpretation of the classic fairy tale - The Three Little Pigs.


Friday, 6 June 2014

Who is a Room 11 Maths Whizz?

We have been learning how to solve times tables and division problems...

Let's see how many of us can answer these questions.

1. 64 ÷ 4 =
2. 24 ÷ 12 =
3. 6 x 4 =
4. 8 x 5 =
5. 12 x 3 =
6. 70 ÷ 10 =
7. 18 ÷ 3 =
8. 16 ÷ 4 =
9. 7 x 2 =
10 . 20 x 2 = 

Book Character Mufti Day

We had such a good day on mufti day. This time some of us dressed as book characters to support book week. Can you spot any of them??

Thursday, 10 April 2014


For fitness this term we have been practicing our movement skills.
We have improved on our basic running, grapevine (step, behind, step, in front), hopping (on both legs not just our good one), and sidestepping (making our feet clap).

Tuesday, 8 April 2014

Multiple intelligences... Which smart are you???

We have been talking about all the different kinds of smart people can be.

In room 11 there are lots of different strengths.
Check out our graph display

Wednesday, 2 April 2014

Writing sentences

Mrs Hamilton and Miss Oud introduced us to Simon's Cat videos to help us practice our writing of sentences.
We watched a video and then wrote a sentence about something that happened. The tricky part was that it had to be an independent sentence that would make sense to someone that hadn't seen the video.

Here are some of the sentences we wrote to go with this Simon's Cat video.

The white cat was chasing a fly around the empty room. - Joseph

Simon's naughty cat was chasing a blowfly and wrecked everything around him. - Samantha

Simon's black cat put a fly in Simon's mouth. - Kahurangi

The cat saw a fly. - Toby

The fly was annoying the cat. - Blake

The black cat was on Simon. - Rico

The fly was annoying the cat on the mat. - Stuti

Simon's fluffy cat tried to kill a fly. - Zion

The cat tried to catch the fly. - Jayden

The blonde cat caught a fly and put it in Simon's mouth. - Anna W.

The fat cat put a house fly into Simon's mouth. - Riley

Simon's fat cat was trying to catch a fly. - Richie

The cat saw a little baby fly and jumped everywhere. - Brandy

The cat was trying to catch a fly. - Noah

The cat put the fly in Simon's mouth. - Grady

Simon's cat placed a fly in his body. - William

The white cat caught a fly and put it in Simon's mouth. - Anna K.

The white fluffy cat was chasing a fly and wrecked the place. - Olivia

Simon's cat was chasing a fly and he made a mess. - Sofia

Simon's little cat trashed the house trying to get the fly. - Daniel

The black cat bounced around the house because he was trying to get the house fly. - Phoenix

Thursday, 27 March 2014

I am different!

Here is a tiny video of some of us explaining how we are all different.

Tuesday, 25 March 2014

Life Education with Shelly and Harold was great!!

Friday, 21 March 2014


Every now and again we do some great writing which we publish and put on our writing wall...

Mrs Horan has been doing some exciting learning with us on Tuesdays.
We learnt how to measure things using 1cm cubes so we measured our hand-spans.

Check out our display that we did for the foyer in the office.
If you're around you should come in and check it out...

Thursday, 20 March 2014

Looking at the foods which help your brain to work at its best is good fun... 

We checked our lunchboxes to find the best food for our brain...
A couple of us found it a bit tricky to find any good brain food ... Oops!

What makes us tick...

We have been learning about the brain. We can tell you the 6 main parts of the brain and list some of the things they can control....

Tuesday, 11 February 2014

Room 11 are starting the term
ready and raring to go!!

We are aiming high this year ...

 Reaching for the stars!!